Angus Ryan

Repossession, Harassment and Illegal Eviction

Repossession, Harassment and Illegal Eviction...

The only way to bring a tenancy to an end is the voluntary surrender on the part of the tenant or for a landlord to obtain a court order for possession. Any other way is likely to be construed as unlawful...

Get the Right Landlord Property Insurance

Get the Right Landlord Property Insurance...

Buildings insurance for a property is generally the responsibility of the owner or landlord. Tenants must still take out contents insurance to cover their possessions if they want to be protected against...

What does the Future Hold for Buy to Let?

What does the Future Hold for Buy to Let?

Why Property? Over the last 30 years UK property prices have achieved average compound growth of approximately 10% each year for all areas and all dwellings. Property investment is not a quick get rich...

Avoiding the Void

Avoiding the Void...

Void periods are an occupational hazard of letting property and something that the vast majority of landlords will experience at some point. The key to a successful void is to keep it as short as possible.

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Wednesday 8th February 2012

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